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How many cybercriminals have earned WannaCry attack?

Actual earnings will never be known till the end, but there are certain prerequisites, which allow you to define "earnings" of criminals.

Many say, how to cause huge losses by hackers, that spread through the Internet malware. В последнее время это в основном программы вымогатели, то есть требующие от жертв заплатить выкуп в обмен за разблокировку доступа к зашифрованным ранее файлам на вашем компьютере. The situation on the other hand considered the portal, who calculated the approximate profit resting on the data published by the site and other

The biggest cyber attack in the past year, without a doubt, была WannaCry. Злоумышленникам удалось в течение одного уик-энда заразить около 250 thousands of computers with Windows systems, что привело к параличу многих компаний и учреждений по всему миру (including British hospitals, German railways and European automotive plants).

they, who spread (вирус WannaCry) требовали выкуп в bitcoinach, that is, the most popular now cryptocurrency, to the amount of, equivalent to approximately 300 dollars. Часть жертв на самом деле решила его оплатить – и это именно та сумма, which (more or less) It can be understood as "earnings" intruders.

In total, the "virtual wallet" attack, victim moved around 140 one thousand dollars (in Bitcoins), ie some 3 640 000 hryvnia. В течение двенадцати месяцев „цифровые деньги” оставались на своем месте, This gives reason to believe that the action has been made more politically motivated than for profit. Некоторые источники связывают WannaCry с Северной Кореей, и вот почему…

On the night 3 on 4 August for fifteen minutes, were done 7 operations (each of approximately 20 one thousand dollars), that led to, что „с кошелька” были выведены все средства. It is not known, what will happen to them (most likely they will be to transfer from one account to sweeping tracks). So all of these accounts are in North Korea.

Returning to the topic of this article - if attackers actually manage to exchange bitcoins for cash, (in spite of all the costs) „заработок” составит примерно три с половиной миллиона гривен. Разве это много? And yes, and there. Да – потому что это большая сумма, but add to this the losses listed companies, the amount of damage a lot more.

According to Lloyd's experts, WannaCry attack caused economic losses of at 8 billions of dollars. В эту сумму входят, basically, losses, incurred as a result of repair equipment and breaks in production (and therefore, production delays, is not implemented in the life of the project, etc.. d.). По сравнению с этим сумма, which is very small indeed "earned" Cybercriminals. Therefore, they are unlikely to try to carry it out again.

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