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How Google earns on Android?

Android-6.0-1Google Android-the most popular mobile operating system. Much to the credit of, it is free, в связи с чем производители устройств не платят за использование лицензии. Google, in spite of this, on the project earns, and quite a few.

how many? Amounts are formed, probably, at the level 31 and 22 billions of dollars. Received were, but, over a fairly long period, because from the very beginning of the system's presence in the market, and therefore, from the end 2008 of the year.

These data were presented Oracle lawyers, leading now with Google sued for patent infringement. Reach them, must be, it was quite difficult, because Google itself has made an attempt to avoid that, to the income data were released

“Это финансовые данные, which are very sensitive, а их обнародование может иметь существенное негативное влияние на деятельность компании Google.”

Where revenues and profits? The license for the OS and the truth, Free, but the main app / Google services already paid, as well as the profits Google Play store and advertising.

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