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Fire alarm system

Fire alarm system(THX) a collection of compatible components, which form the specific configuration and installation capable to detect fire, trigger alarm, automatically notify fire departments, or perform other actions, aimed at reducing the consequences of a fire. 215_14

The main objective of the PCA is a rapid and errorless detection ensuing fire, before it develops and will reach large sizes. The timely detection of an ignition source provides more time for carrying out the evacuation of the building and effective protection values ​​accumulated therein.

Fire alarm It is one of the main safety systems at the facilities, the purpose of which is to protect human life and health, and collected in the value of the object. Because of this, the system can not integrate any hardware plane, ни на уровне проводки с другими системами. Single plane possible integration with other security systems, This level of software.

The objective of the fire protection system is to protect people and property from fire hazard threats. Simple fire alarm system consists of fire detectors, the control center as well as a pipe system with means for extinguishing fire complete with spray nozzles.

The system maintains a constant pressure water, so that in case of fire, в результате воздействия температуры на ампулу спринкнлера происходит его открытие и освобождение средства пожаротушения, straight to the source of danger. Open only those sprinklers, which are located directly in the fire zone, which minimizes damage, вызванный попаданием воды. Проходящая через контрольно-сигнальный клапан вода запускает звуковую сигнализацию, and the fire alarm pressure sensors, automatically starts the pump.

Можно назвать 3 основных типа противопожарных систем по средству пожаротушения:

This is an automatic fire extinguishing system, срабатывает непосредственно над местом очага огня, что эффективно защищает здание от распределения пожара, а также от затопления водой остальной его части и порчи имущества.

Reservoirs with gas to extinguish a fire in the server room.

Some of the most popular systems, used in server rooms and data centers with attention to where the source of fire. They do not conduct electricity and do not destroy electronic devices, as this would be the case of water. inert extinguishing gases are widely used in the world such as FE-36 and FM-200.

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