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Сила акупунктуры – точки на ступнях благодаря которым снимается боль

If there is nerve(pain) point by clicking on which you can hurt, можно ли воздействуя на другие… ее снимать? It turns out, that can be. Узнайте как при помощи акупунктуры бороться с болью!

Known for thousands of years of acupressure treatments rely only on the kneading, especially sensitive places on the body. Try this method. It really works!

When acupressure is effective?

When you feel the pain, it is a sign that there is something wrong in your body. therefore, Before first use acupressure, вы должны знать причину боли. Consult your doctor and do the analysis, and then try using acupressure.

Воздействие на akupunkturnыe points снимает боли вызванные многими заболеваниями, such as degeneration of the knee joint, vertebrae, spine, headaches or gastritis. It can also be used when you feel, that clung to you cold, tooth starts to hurt, you can not sleep or cope with stress.

What are the main benefits of acupressure?

На изображении ног вы найдете рецепторы различных органов.

Receptors in the feet, which should inhibit pain

Когда угнетается определенный рецептор (the best thing to do is thumb), This information is immediately transmitted to the brain, and hence to the patient's body, such as gastric or colon liver. Excitation receptors causes vasodilation, organs of the musculoskeletal system, allowing it to more oxygen and nutrients, necessary for the proper operation. Also decreases muscle tension in this area of ​​the body, that relieves discomfort and speeds up the healing process.

In some diseases, such as indigestion or inflammation of the bladder, Special rules. At the beginning of each procedure necessary to inhibit the renal receptors, head, stomach and liver (in that order). It is the activation of the blood circulation and better cleanse the body of toxins. Only then can press down on the points, responsible for the work of the patient's body.

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