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The secret voice of Freddie Mercury

The secret voice of Freddie MercuryFreddie Mercury – легендарный вокалист группы Queen – мог похвастаться удивительным voice, which even today is difficult to counterfeit. How he managed to extract himself from his? Austrian-Czech-Swedish team of scientists decided to solve the puzzle to understand.

Analysis of thousands of hours of archival records with the voice of Mercury led to the conclusion, that contrary to popular belief, Singer does not possess a voice surprising scale, it is compatible with the capabilities of the average, healthy person. His secret was in a different place.

Меркьюри – баритон, but she sang soprano, а удивительные эффекты ему удалось достичь благодаря необычному контролю над собственным телом – он смог использовать технику, similar to, что используют традиционные монгольские песняры.

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