IT News

The discreet charm of women's stockings

Сдержанный шарм женских чулков

Чулки – это тонкая и очень элегантная альтернатива колготок. Они ассоциируются с утонченным стилем, retro fashion, и даже эротикой. Должны находится в гардеробе каждой женщины. В чем заключается их сдержанный шарм? This will be discussed in this article.

History stocking

The first stockings worn by men, To be more exact gentlemen in ancient times, then they moved to the elegant ladies. There are also unconfirmed reports, that they are worn by women in the days of ancient Egypt.

First ladies wore cotton stockings, are tied by a thread over the knee. The first stockings made of black silk appeared in the days of the British Queen Elizabeth I, through which actually began to spread their popularity since the turn of the XVI and XVII century.

It is no secret, that they could afford only wealthy people, it is not surprising why many people remember about the birth of a material such as nylon in 1935 year. It is thanks to this invention made possible the mass production of stockings that became available for each. Today, without even leaving the house, вы можете купить чулки различных цветов и размеров с доставкой под дверь на странице

The American company Du Pont in 1939 Nylon was presented during the international exhibition in New York, а уже 15 May 1940 года нейлоновые чулки появились в магазинах. Нижнее белье из синтетического волокна было дешевле и более прочное чем из шелка, the benefits and impact on sales results - the first day it was purchased more 70 thousands of pairs of stockings made of nylon, and in the first year 64 millions.

Interestingly, smooth stockings are not sewn directly, their production has been made possible thanks to the invention in 1954 year looms. At first, the stockings were behind a thin seam, but then he managed to remove. In spite of this, thanks to which came after a fashion long skirts below the knee, stockings have become less to buy, they were replaced by tights. To date, short skirts became popular again, поэтому возрождается также популярность чулок. На что стоит обратить внимание выбирая нижнее белье такого типа?

stocking Overview

  1. Stockings fastened to the panties or corset – важно выбрать модель нужной длины, which can be attached to the panties and corset with four ribbons, желательно с металлическими зажимами.
  2. Stockings on silicones. Before buying, make sure, что у вас нет аллергии на силикон. В нижнем белье этого типа лучше всего смотрятся стройные ноги. If you are a woman's body, with wide hips, то это не ваш вариант.
  3. Stockings different thickness - thin 6-8 den proven themselves during the heat, wear them to work, in the case of which it is considered bad form to come with bare feet. 40 den – это толщина идеально покрывающая ноги, but most versatile are thick stockings 15-20 the.
  4. Under the color of the body – их оттенок нужно подбирать к цвету собственной кожи. Чем у вас светлее кожа, the tone tights must be lighter and vice versa. Simply choose them pulling on the hand, so you will see a line to the color of the skin.
  5. Цветные – It will be an important element in many everyday outfits.
  6. Socks with patterns, the perfect choice, If you want to add spice, even the most simple skirts and suits.
  7. Ажурные или в сеточку - as well, like color or with patterns, прекрасно сочетаются с монохромными нарядами с простым покровом. Оживят любой деловой костюм, what is important in the case of informal meetings with business partners.

The following video you will learn how to select and wear stockings. Enjoy watching.

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