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The most compact Light Phone phone in the world 2. A photo

Three years ago, the public will have a unique in its essence minimalistic phone called the Light Phone. Recently the company, create it, proudly introduced the world to its second position, which has received the expected name - Light Phone 2. New acquired aluminum body, support for SMS-messages and alarm, as well as higher cost, so now the purchase of this extraordinary compact phone, many will think exactly, ведь тратить крупные суммы денег впустую готовы далеко не все. The most compact Light Phone phone in the world 2. A photo

Light Phone smartphone 2 - this is the most minimalistic and portable phone in the world, with which you can make voice calls and receive them, and work with SMS-functionality. The first generation of mobile devices, debuting in 2015 year, ably only to call and nothing more. In the new manufacturing company has focused on a more stylish appearance through the use of aluminum body, as well as to expand functionality.

Phone Light Phone 2 features:

Case dimensions new items are 91 x 55 x 6,5 mm, whereas the weight of the phone - 80 grams.

Two versions available on consumer choice - black and white. In both cases, the body is made of sturdy anodized aluminum, which is highly resistant to physical shock, including scratch. На Light Phone 2 An extremely lightweight version of Android called LightOS, on the basis of a phone and working. The rest, this device boasts connector USB Type-C to recharge, nanoSIM slot for a "Sims", Wi-Fi modules and GPS, as well as a modem to support LTE and VoLTE voice calls.

Создатели нового телефона сейчас собирают деньги на его производство в рамках площадки Indiegogo, intended to collect money. Just a few days in the project invested their money more 400 person, who collected $110 one thousand dollars. Start Selling Light Phone 2 It planned in April 2019 of the year, ie more than one year, and at the start of sales of this phone will cost $400, whereas now, if you invest in the production of, spend on the purchase of mobile devices have only $250, which is almost two times less.

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