IT News

Samsung Smart TV is becoming more popular

У Samsung есть еще одна причина для радости. Samsung Smart TV TVs are becoming increasingly popular in the near future this trend, rather, Will not change.

The Korean manufacturer has boasted, что укрепил свои позиции в качестве бренда номер один среди производителей “умных” телевизоров в Великобритании. Interestingly, число пользователей платформы Smart TV превысило в этой стране порог 2,5 million this week (33-percent growth occurred during the last six months).

Также в целом по Европе Samsung Smart TV очень хорошо продвигается. Of the latter, the data should be, that the EU market more 65% new televisions and Blu-ray players support smart system, and are connected to the Internet.

“В декабре 2015 year, we crossed the threshold of 1 million new users per month worldwide, and during the last 6 months, their number has grown by more than ?. The first months of the new year brought further, significant growth, and we expect, that soon will reach a million users per week of our Smart TV platform. "-zayavil Felix Menzhe, Manager at Samsung Electronics.

Held in the US survey showed, that despite the many opportunities receiving streaming tv, Users very often choose Smart TV TVs (32%). And this is the best result, than the game console (25%), Blu-ray players and other devices. And all because of the fact that they are easy to maintain.

„В случае Smart TV – зритель не должен вручную переключать телевизор на прием сигнала с другого устройства, либо использовать другой пульт дистанционного управления, to gain access to the selected streaming application or program. "

And you, reader, We have already seen the benefits of Smart TV televisions, or even think about this decision with skepticism?

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