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Websites began to fight with adblocker

Onet (one of the first major European portals) I decided to block access to their content in order, who use ad blocking.

To date, if the user blocks advertising, some of the resources it can not view the video, more pages load slowly. Group Onet-RASP claims, that now is the right time to close the access to their resources in order, who uses blocking.

Самый популярный в Европе интернет-портал решил начать войну с адблокерами. Now users, that block ads (although not all), смогут увидеть только основное меню. Beyond the bottom of the page, you are prompted to unlock advertising, since only in exchange for unlocking the user will be presented to the content site.

Why it was such a decision? Well, it's not a secret to anybody, that Europeans are at the forefront adblokerov users. General Director Pavel Jurek admitted Onetem, that is currently in the middle one of the three users, included to the portal using tools for ad blocking, which significantly reduces the revenues, which could be invested in good journalists and high-quality content.

But if the director is afraid that Onetem users instead, to unlock the ad will simply use a different portal? Pavel Jurek says, that part can actually "go", but observations show, that the growing awareness among Internet users, что реклама на сайтах это источник средств существования, so an increasing number of people are willing to turn off adblokery in exchange for access to their content of interest.

among specialists, engaged in internet marketing reigns opinion, that soon this decision will be to use all portals. It would be good to all Internet resources have made this decision at a time. What do you think?

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