IT News

Ротационный лазерный нивелир – инновации на службе

Ротационный лазерный нивелир - инновации на службе

The construction of huts and shacks far in the past, technologies in construction so far stepped forward, that sometimes the accuracy and the ability to, and most importantly,, range of construction and measuring devices, It is causing genuine surprise and delight.

To provide the necessary computational accuracy whether it be repair or construction when implementing design plans, обеспечивает ротационный лазерный нивелир. Precise laser line is made possible thanks to the luminous flux, which is emitted from the LEDs, built-in level.

Construction very large objects can not do without the use of a rotary laser levels, as its operating range is about two hundred meters. Using a rotary laser level eliminates the need to purchase multiple instruments, as it is ease of use ensures the highest accuracy layouts. laser plane projection radius 360 °, It allows you to use the rotation laser to multiple builders. Applying the same scanning mode, which is an integral function of the rotary leveling, and which makes it possible to set the desired angle of coverage space, conveniently, when aligned with a doorway, a window opening, etc..

The versatility of the rotary laser level can be used when installing door frames and window frames, during installation of pipes and metal profiles, during the construction of partition walls, tiling and screed, and even when the furniture.

Cost policies rotary laser levels significantly higher, structure than projection, but the price difference is compensated by the radiation range and a circular radius.

To work with this device it is possible as in air, and in any size room. Also for work on large construction projects, it makes sense to use specialized models of rotary laser levels, providing for the possibility of the device settings by remote control. By the set of accessories includes rotation lasers:

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