IT News

Robotic vacuum cleaners are spying on their hosts

Seem to be, the trend of recent years is global spying for each of us. And all this we agree and sometimes themselves, without realizing it, We pay a lot of money for keeping track of all of our actions.

Social network, messengers, free calls Vayberu etc.. - this is just the tip of the iceberg. Хотя даже 68 лайков в Facebook позволяют узнать всё о человеке. Much more interesting is organized collection of data in the industry of household appliances.

Процесс развития Big Data не стоит на месте и сегодня можно легко найти человека по фото с телефона. And soon, possibly, even razors and toasters will share our most intimate ... you do not believe? Then here's the latest news from the world of gadgets and robots. As it turned out, robot vacuum cleaner iRobot Roomba does not just gather dust and clean your house, but also make the card rooms and collect information!

In particular, it is a fresh model Roomba 980 Series with Wi-Fi, цена которого в Украине составляет 17 000 hryvnia. It turns out, for the money you get a spy and assistant rolled into one. The robot cleaner of the room map, which removes, and transmits this information to the developer company server.

What is most surprising, the company's management did not deny it! And as the legality of the actions announced, that the license agreement for the purchase of said, the manufacturer reserves the right to share user information. However, This is not the first such case. For two years, stating, Samsung TVs that spy on their owners ...


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