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Repair of an automatic transmission - how much does it cost?

automatic transmission – это отличным вариант для каждого водителя, but due to expensive repairs, many drivers are afraid of buying used / on vehicles with automatic transmission. Is not it automatic transmission repairs it is so expensive?

Advantageous to have a car with an automatic transmission?

For a long time, cars with automatic transmission were the object of jokes and ridicule from many drivers. Every car owner with a gun is not just a victim of ridicule Stavan, But "it's a box for women, не настоящий автомобиль…” и тому подобные высказывания сыпались в сторону автомобилистов которые ездили на авто с автоматической коробкой передач. but times, change, Ukrainian drivers and all Chach prefer buying a car with a gun. And I must admit, that this is not the effect of any advertising campaign or fashion, but the result of functionality and a number of advantages.

It is also worth noting, that the automatic gear boxes which were made a few years ago, significantly different from those, which today are leaving branded factories. devices, undoubtedly, much higher quality, what, certainly, I noticed each driver, which had the ability to compare automatic transmission comes from the nineties and its modern analogue.

automatic transmission, Firstly, affect the smoothness and speed of the gear ratios. To achieve this efficiency standard manual transmission is impossible. Many drivers can not correctly identify, at which point the gear shift. Riding in a car with a gun will provide a sound sleep toddler, позволяет спокойно выпить чашку кофе… Достаточно установить конкретные передаточное число, to enjoy the ride in an appropriate pace.

Its advantage automatic transmission shown in a traffic jam. Instead of pressing the continuous modes of gas and brakes (and, of course, clutch), enough to press only one pedal -tormoz. Минус в принципе только один – стоимость ремонта…

What determines the cost of repair of an automatic transmission?

the cost automatic transmission repair in Kiev and other regions of Ukraine is influenced by many factors. But first it is worth noting, that in the case of buying some new cars, the cost of the automatic transmission can be up to 1/3 their prices! surprisingly? Yes, but considering it is possible to imagine, a complex and precious this mechanism.

The cost of repair of an automatic transmission varies usually from a few thousand to a few tens of hryvnia. Of course, astronomical sums intended for model cars from the top shelf and the price of the most complex mechanisms. On practice, Automatic transmission with low mileage rarely break, and if it is already happening, the repairs covered by the warranty period in.

note! Repeatedly there is a situation (in the case of old cars), when the cost of repair exceeds the total cost of automatic transmission cars. In this case, the best solution is to buy a used car of this class. She replacement box is not expensive, in Kiev STO Avtomatik Removal and installation of a box would cost about 1500 hryvnia.

The high cost of repair of an automatic transmission are basically three sources.

It is taking into account all these factors, you better forget about self-removal of the box and its replacement, all the more so for its repair. Most engineers paid great attention to this operation,, how to repair, and after it. After all, you need to carefully check the operation of the box with a computer and manually while driving.

not ryskuyte! Trust only automatic transmission repair specialists. Kiev Order Repair automatic transmission is possible by t: +380(067) 778-75-89. Price list for services:

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