Google together united representatives 800 операторов GSMA для развития RCS – преемника престарелого СМС.
История RCS и SMS
Company Google He announced last week, that the beginning of cooperation with mobile operators to replace old SMS-messages. The new solution is called RCS - what is it and why has the chance to become the communication tool of the future?
The first SMS was sent at the end of 1992 year and since then, this technology is not really changed, хотя возможностей в себе сочетает все больше. There is still a limit of 160 characters, and adding attachments, is not working as it should.
see also: New life SMS-messages: notice, messages and warnings
И хотя до сих пор многие из нас использует смс ежедневно или почти ежедневно, benefits messengers, such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, They are becoming more and more apparent, especially due to the popularization of smartphones rapidly increases the radius of action of the Internet.
Revolution R-RCS
SMS-s outdated. Their report was created at a time, when the cellular communication is in no way are not used for data transmission on the Internet. development solutions, such as WhatsApp has made it clear to operators, it is time, to change something in this matter. And just so there RCS concept.
Google и операторы мобильной связи намерены обыграть сеть facebook, so they have accelerated work on RCS - the long-awaited successor to SMS-messages, which no longer corresponds to the requirements of users.
What is the RCS?
RCS - Rich Communications Services - is a more advanced communication standard, connecting SMS-messages, MMS-messages and (slightly) email. Although the use of the cellular network, needed for maintenance: + compatible device compliant application compatible operator +. When all conditions are met - you can send messages, contain text, images and video as easily, как в настоящее время SMS-сообщения. RCS, standardized GSMA, It should become a vast ecosystem.
What is in RCS does not exist MMS?
Communication via RCS largely resembles communication in Messengerze. Primarily because, that we are able to see, when the message is delivered and read. Compared with MMS, пользователь получает гораздо больше места для вложения, such as images, animation or video) – 10 MB.
RCS standards will also lead discussions in multiplayer mode, especially business people can please. It is also the possibility of introducing video.
Нужен ли RCS ?
Already during the first official announcements of the RCS - as they were a few years ago - there were questions about whether, whether there is a need to enter this type of solutions in the context of growing popularity and availability of instant messaging, such as Facebook Messenger, Skype or WhatsApp.
The main advantage is, that the RCS to be the global standard - identical regardless of the device and the operating system installed on it, and the operator, services are used by a user.
RCS is already working, but only in the development stage
RCS is already working. The Windows Mobile 10, eg, it supports original. Problem, but, It is, it is not a global standard, and a very small number of operators (в Украине ни один), really it allows its customers to use this solution.
What do you mean "a small amount"? In accordance with the information, published on the GSMA - it 47 operators 34 nations. Но… без нас :)
What future for RCS?
If current solutions actually take, it is not excluded, что в будущем каждый купленный телефон будет поддерживать RCS (as well, today SMS-y) - regardless of brands, модели и системы смартфона или оператора.
Perhaps - at least, at this point Google plans - that all will be supported not only through a cellular network, but Wi-Fi (and clouds). Это может привести к созданию по-настоящему мульти услуги.
In this way, GSMA and Google plans can be (and even necessary) taken seriously. Death of SMS-messages is inevitable, and that, that will replace them is still an open question. But, may be, already really soon it will happen.