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Radeon Technologies Group празднует первый день рождения – какими успехами может похвастаться?

Radeon Technologies Group is a separate unit, которое было создано в целях улучшения отдела видеокарт компании AMD.

A year ago, AMD has decided to reorganize its structure and created a special unit Radeon Technologies Group - it was she who took the development department of graphics cards, а место руководителя в ней занял Раджа Кодури. What has changed in the year of the RTG?

Most important event, of course, is the premiere of a new generation of Polaris cards - appeared on the consumer market model Radeon RX 400 (including Radeon RX 480 - the cheapest card, which allows you to conveniently use googles VR). Shortly thereafter, it was presented as professional boosters Radeon Pro WX and revolutionary model Radeon Pro SSG (first card, equipped with 1 TB memory).

But this is not the end, because the division Radeon Technologies Group is constantly working to optimize graphics drivers, и за год работы выпустил 21 Updates in the package Radeon Software Crimson Edition. Manufacturer virtually every premiere of a new game gives the corrections for its accelerators.

It not without significance is also the very architecture of GPUs - for the past five years, the manufacturer develops a design GCN (Graphics Core Next), which is very varied (outside games and VR allows for efficient processing of video-and 3D-models, and the use of various kinds of distributed computing). Good results are also getting better and better GCN architecture and development tools, as well as opening up access to a range of developer tools within GPUOpen initiatives or collaboration with universities in implementing programs VR (eg, VR First).

New architecture users met with recognition in the industry, which is as highly effective in the conditions of VR and the new generation of games using the API (DirectX 12 and Vulcan), It finds application in a number of modern devices. Among them are present and upcoming video game consoles, Apple computers, or articles intended for VR, such as new computers HP Omen VR, sold only with the Radeon.

Q1 2016

Q2 2016

Q2 2015








2,717 million.


2,8 million.


1,69 million



9,2 million.


6,6 million.


7,68 million.



0 million.


0,0094 million.


0,0093 million.



11,92 million.


9,44 million.


9,38 million.


Sales of graphics cards is gradually fall for desktop computers, но AMD в последнее время все же зафиксировала в этом секторе рост

Эффект деятельности RTG заметен, because AMD is beginning to recover market share in cards. Agency Jon Peddie Research released data, from which it follows, that, AMD is the only, that despite the decline in sales of graphics cards for desktop PCs on the market has recorded more than 4% Growth in this area. What is important, is data for the second quarter, ie before the start of sales of the new generation of graphics cards Polaris family, but after the start of sales of the new generation of competing video cards Nvidia Pascal. This is the 4 consecutive quarter, в котором компания AMD приобретает долю на рынке.

Congratulations to AMD company with the first year of operations Team Radeon Technologies Group, and we look forward to even greater success - especially at the beginning of next year we are waiting for, certainly one big event, namely Prime Minister Vega family of graphics cards. Сможет ли компания AMD догнать конкурентов с точки зрения доли на рынке? Not known yet, but the potential is really big.

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