Traveling by train – on the advantages and disadvantages of rail transport

Efficient and fast movement between cities plays an important role. Nowadays, most people have their own car., and in the case of long-distance routes, many choose by plane. But what about train rides? Should I choose this type of travel more often?? What are the advantages and disadvantages of rail transport?

What is rail transport?

In everyday life, we rarely realize, that land transport is divided into only two specific types - we are talking about rail and road transport. Of course, there is also a division into the transportation of people or goods. The already mentioned rail transport is still considered the most economical and at the same time extremely safe.. Of course, for, to make it work properly, it needs the appropriate infrastructure. The efficiency and functioning of railway transport in a particular country largely depends on this..

Advantages and disadvantages of rail transport

Each mode of transport has its own advantages, and disadvantages - the situation with rail transport is no different. Let's start with the benefits:

  • trains are a very fast means of transport, which can significantly reduce travel time. In the case of a car, you need to take into account traffic jams and various situations on the road., that cannot be predicted in advance;
  • when traveling by rail, you can save a lot - tickets on the website are inexpensive, it is also often possible to get an additional discount both from the carrier, so from “Ukrzaliznytsia”;
  • rail transport is one of the safest modes of transportation – accidents are much less common, than in the case of auto;
  • thanks to the incredibly high carrying capacity, trains are able to carry a huge number of passengers or goods at one time;
  • another advantage of rail transport is easy accessibility, Ukrainian Railways offers more and more flights to the most popular destinations every year, so you can easily find something for yourself;
  • on some trains it is possible to use sleeping cars and dining cars;
  • traveling by rail is by far the most environmentally friendly solution.

What are the main disadvantages of rail transport? As known, Each form of transportation has its disadvantages.. In the case of rail transport, this:

  • rail transport has a predetermined schedule, to which to adapt;
  • there may be no availability on public holidays, which significantly affects the comfort of the trip;
  • there may be problems with the transportation of bulky luggage or animals;
  • There are train delays, which sometimes complicates further travel - for example, when you have to change from train to train;
  • queues at the box office - although currently it is easy to buy a ticket online or in a special PROIZD application;
  • sanitary and hygienic conditions on trains are not always the same, as we would like, although things have changed in recent years;
  • there is a risk of theft - different people ride on the trains, so you always need to be careful and keep an eye on your luggage.

What is the cost of rail transportation?

Many people believe, that traveling by train is expensive, so more often choose a car. The price of a train ticket depends on many factors., the most important of them is the length of the route, while the price per kilometer is lower for longer routes. Therefore, it is most advantageous to choose the train, when you need to quickly move to another corner of the country, far from home. For short distances, rail transportation will definitely not be as profitable..

Also worth remembering, that the cost of the ticket depends on the specific carrier, which serves the route. You should also pay attention to the class of the train and wagon.. There are many discounts for passengers, thanks to which travel can be unambiguously cheaper.

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