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burglar film: the advantages of using

Вы ищете эффективную защиту для своих окон? You want to have your protection is not visible? Appearance gratings scares you? Are you afraid of vandals breaking glass? Решением являются защитные пленки Fusion. Let's see you, whether you need broneplenka buy it or not?

Protective film Fusion Safety:

Protective film resists various threats, such as:

Breaking into

An object is a protective window film stretching time, necessary for the implementation of hacking. This is made possible through the use of advanced technologies. In combination with the anti-burglar doors formed successful safe system.


Одной из защитных задач пленок является предотвращение разлета осколков стекла после разбития. This feature is very important, especially in places where the damaged glass can cause serious injuries.

Such a situation occurs everywhere, где рядом с остеклением пребывает много людей, such as schools, offices or stores. Risk of injury caused by broken glass is a significant problem in cars, trams, buses and trains, применение пленок Fusion Safety позволит предотвратить множественные острые осколки, so that the glazing will be safe for passengers. Пленка может также защитить стекла вашего автомобиля от попытки кражи радио или сумочку с сиденья.


The window is easily accessible way for burglars. But not only. Sometimes your glass can become a random target of vandals, destroying everything in its path. broken, not protected by glass, for example in a shop, It opens access to the interior, even random people. A further advantage of the film is its scratch resistance.

Нормальное использование пленки не приводит к ее повреждению. Однако распространенным является рисование на стеклах острыми предметами в автобусах или поездах. Чтобы избежать необходимости дорогостоящей замены стекла его стоит просто защитить пленкой. When most of the film surface is scratched, it will be possible to remove and apply new.


There are a lot of objects, which require far-reaching precautions. These particularly include airports, shopping centers, school, banks, courts, embassy, building of governments and public administrations. Increased security requirements specified objects associated with the need to predict such terrorist acts, explosions.

In the event of an explosion, например груза расположенного в машине-ловушке, in the affected area are objects, even within a radius of several hundred meters. Broken into thousands of pieces of glass destroy all, that is found in the way. Sharp pieces often fatally injure people, located in the immediate vicinity of the doors and windows.

Fusion Safety films do not allow the destruction caused by the blast wave. Such properties has been achieved through micro-lamination and high quality glue, благодаря которым пленки переносят огромные перепады давления – вызванные ударной волной, so keep the glass on the film.

note! Contrary to popular belief, the degree of protection is not directly proportional to the thickness of the film. Thick films with one or more layers are too rigid, so they are easy to break. More about broneplenke you can find by clicking on the link, there you will be able to buy it, and.

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