Sale of commercial real estate in Ukraine

The economy of Ukraine works according to the principle of "military rails" and is closely related to the sphere of real estate: for the work of organizations, factories or companies need premises. Some companies are moving, others are looking for a larger or smaller area for activity, some - change the profile. The sale of commercial real estate in Ukraine does not stop, because it is easy, Food Industry, office activities and trade, despite difficult economic and security conditions, are functioning.Sale of commercial real estate in Lviv

To buy commercial real estate, take advantage of real offers from verified sellers on Flombu. The platform works with installed clients, who care about their business reputation, and publishes only relevant real estate ads.

What is happening in the commercial real estate market

The active movement of business structures from the front-line zones and the predominant settlement of companies in the western regions of Ukraine resumed the sale of commercial real estate in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Uzhgorod is at the highest level in the country. The largest number of relocated small and medium-sized enterprises started working in these cities, which, in accordance, purchased (or rent) suitable room for work.

In total, prices for commercial real estate in Ukraine decreased during the war. The rate of depreciation of commercial buildings in the regions is particularly high, which were under temporary occupation or suffered heavy destruction as a result of shelling by the Russians.

The sale of non-residential premises in Ukraine contains several important factors. From the buyer's side, they affect the speed of selecting the right room, on the formation of the value of the object and the prospects of its further exploitation. From the seller's side, they make it possible to set an adequate price, adapt the building to modern requirements, arrange the documentation for the object.

So, planning the sale of real estate for business, they should be considered.

What to pay attention to, selling a commercial object

  1. Commercial real estate is located in a new building or on the "secondary".
    • There is less office space available on the secondary real estate market. More - production value. Commerce in new buildings is mainly equipped for trade and catering establishments.
  2. Building area for sale.
    • Sufficient territory for the activities of large companies is a priority in the market. In addition, it can be reformatted for the work of small businesses.
  3. The area of ​​the location of the commercial object, convenience of access, arrival of large vehicles.
    • Commercial activity involves the brisk movement of not only funds, and the product, transport and workers. Local logistics is important for the efficient operation of the company.
  4. The possibility of providing a commercial building with an alternative source of electricity.
    • A commercial facility cannot operate without electricity. If it is not possible to connect it to an additional power supply, it will lose the cyclical nature of work, which leads to downtime and unprofitability of business structures.
  5. Availability of shelter.
    • No enterprise in Ukraine will be able to operate without an equipped bomb shelter. Compliance with this requirement is carefully monitored by the authorities, which grant permits for the operation of the building.
  6. Possibility to equip the premises for "narrow" production needs.
    • Universal commercial objects are not rare in the modern real estate market. And here are the buildings, which can be adapted for highly specialized production without excessive financial and time costs, is a real find for business.

so, the sale of a commercial premises compared to a residential one has its own characteristics. Technical and production details and opportunities to adapt a bulky room to the activities of specific organizations or enterprises are important here.

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