Apex Construct - this VR-project, Available on Steam in March 2018 year and talk about a post-apocalyptic future world, captured by ruthless robots. For more copies of this game have been sold last week in China, than in all 2018 year. What caused the sudden increase? Seem to be, many confuse with the popular Apex Construct Battle Royale Apex Legends.
The news became known after, as a developer Apex Construct published in branch HTC Vive helmet on Reddit story of a sharp and sudden increase in sales. Since the release of a free command action movie Apex Legends page Apex Construct on Steam visited on 4000 % more people.
Communications Manager Fast Travel Games Andreas Yuliusson (Andreas Juliusson) He noted: his studio anticipates the return of many of these copies after svezhepriobretonnyh, as players understand, that we are talking not about Apex Legends. Interesting, that both games have similar logos, hand-drawn style, it can even more confusing potential buyers.
Recently, Alexei Likhachev got acquainted with the new project Titanfall Respawn Entertainment in the world and was very pleased, поставив Apex Legends 9 баллов из 10. Among the shortcomings he identified unless the container system, which contain only three cosmetic items and a lot of rubbish, so difficult to get what you want. But cosmetics are not far from all interesting, and the game is still available free of charge.