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The use of contact lenses

Contact lenses are placed directly on the surface of the eyeball for correcting deficiencies of. They can be used to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness, as well as astigmatism and presbyopia.

The operating principle of contact lenses acuvue It is the same, as in the case of points. Accordingly refract light and direct it onto the retina, to allow you to improve the focus of.

What material made of contact lens?

Currently, the most popular are soft contact lenses are made from a material, called the hydrogel. This material passes oxygen, that your eyes can breathe and remain healthy.

There are different types of contact lenses are suitable for a variety of eye disorders and lifestyle. Specialist(ophthalmologist or optometrist) to which you refer will help you in choosing the right lens for you.

Types of contact lenses

There are contact lenses, designed for a variety of eye disorders and lifestyle. The following information will help you find the best solution for you.

Attention! Remember, that contact lenses are medical product, so only an expert (ophthalmologist or optometrist) will help you choose the right lens suitable to your visually impaired.

Day contact lenses

Day contact lenses are the most easy to use (You do not need to think about their cleaning). At the end of the day, you simply take off with the eye and throw, and in the morning you unpack a new pair of lenses and dress.

Everyday use a new pair of lenses is the most convenient way of wearing the hygiene of contact lenses.

Contact lenses are reusable

Two-week contact lenses can be worn every day for a period of up to two weeks. Just shoot them with the eye, processed and put in the compartment for lenses, fresh liquid filled lens care bedtime. The next morning, they will be ready to be applied to the eye.

To learn more about the care of the lenses, should familiarize themselves with the simple instruction that comes with them.

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