It is impossible to imagine the modern world without artificial lighting. But even some hundred years ago, it was hard to believe, that the widespread use of incandescent light bulbs and electricity so dramatically change the entire existing world. But science and technology are constantly evolving, и в XXI веке старые добрые лампы накаливания уступают место новым – светодиодным, которые более энергоэффективны и экономически выгодными.
Светодиодные прожекторы от производителя Эколайт Украина
Outdoor LED or LED-spotlights from the company Ekolayt Ukraine are characterized by high brightness, economy, strength and are among the most popular types of lamps. Examples of the use of lighting devices can be cited, but the most popular destinations the following:
- landscape lighting;
- architectural lighting;
- water lights.
Recently, landscape lighting has become very fashionable. Most often it is used the owners of cottages, plots of land which are decorated with a landscape design. Besides, LED spotlights adorn ponds, pools and fountains. For this purpose, a special underwater lighting. They are carefully protected against the ingress of moisture.
Architectural lighting is used for, to effectively emphasize the characteristics of building facades, illuminate various elements of the outdoor advertising (billboards, banners) etc..
In the online shop of the Ukrainian manufacturer of LED lighting Ekolayt Ukraine you will find a variety of LED spotlights, on ice spotlights price various, зависят от потребляемой ими мощности. clear, that the power consumption is greater, the quantity of the emitted light flux above, respectively, and the cost increases. Operating temperature range devices, which are represented in the range of the online store, It is between -20 to + 55 °, and their lifespan is 50 thousands of hours, but it is more 5 years old.
Using LED spotlights to illuminate the gardening area, the owner of the cottage to get rid of the invasion of clouds squeaking and buzzing insects, because these devices do not produce ultraviolet and infrared emission spectra.
In addition to lighting and adjoining private land, светодиодный прожектор – отличное решение для освещения автостоянок и АЗС. LED bulbs, the price is lower than the, alone with the task of coping with great difficulty.
It should be noted that the decreased significantly this year LED spotlights price Ukraine began to produce its high-quality equipment that has already won recognition not only in our, but also abroad. В магазине компании Эколайт Украина Вы сможете подобрать светодиодный прожектор, which will create any object, whether advertising structure or a gazebo near the house, amazing lighting effects. You'll see, how to transform the area or structure, illuminated such device!
The LED technology is so good?
LEDs are nine important advantages:
- long service life;
- low need for maintenance;
- high efficiency;
- a wide range of colors;
- instant start;
- quality direct light;
- ecological purity and absence of infrared or ultraviolet light.
Let's talk more about some of the benefits of LED technology.
Longer lifetime
LED technology has been used successfully in the production of searchlights Ukrainian manufacturer Ekolayt Ukraine, and one of the reasons - it is a long term ekspluatatsii.Svetodiody produce light, just thank, passing through the semiconductor. For, to the source of light was a long time, you need to take care of the good heat dissipation. LEDs are perfectly cope with this task and it makes their life as much as possible long-term. Good LED lamps, e.g. Japanese efficiency LEDs 150-170 Lm / W, which are used in the production of outdoor spotlights Ekolayt Ukraine, can work up 50000 hours, Save more 70% the initial value of the luminous flux.
It does not require any significant service
LEDs are ideal for street lighting. Another advantage of LED technology is that, lamps that do not melt, the luminous flux is not deteriorated substantially. It is believed, LEDs that life ends at the moment, when its brightness decreases more, than 70% of the initial value.
Floodlights of the LEDs are much longer, than conventional light sources. In addition, they do not require any maintenance, which is a big advantage.
High efficiency
LEDs do not require large amounts of energy. In fact, for them do not even take into account the costs in watts.
A wide range of colors
LED color depends on the interior materials. for example, blue LEDs are different from green materials, which are used in the manufacture of. To get a high-quality light - there is a simple rule: buy LED products only the most well-known brands.
Instant start
LEDs are turned faster, compared with conventional light sources. They do not need to heat up. Due to this property LEDs have been used as the light source of the vehicle stoplight.
Almost all of the LEDs can be used for recycling. No mercury and other harmful elements favorable effect on the environment.
The absence of infrared or ultraviolet light
LEDs, used for lighting, emit a beam of light only in the visible spectrum, which can be perceived by the human eye. for example, This allows you to use this type of lighting in the museum, where infrared or ultraviolet light can damage the old exhibits.
Contemporary solutions using LEDs are so diverse, it is impossible to describe them all in one article. Это и потолочные светильники и освещение фасадов и многое другое. LEDs are now very popular as lighting swimming pools or fountains. The cities began to switch to LED street lighting, since thereby reduced maintenance costs. With the rapid development of LED technology, it is advisable to consider the possibility of their use as light sources for a variety of solutions.