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The advantages of study abroad

When deciding on the early study abroad should all think twice, because it is an important decision in the life of, it is worth considering the benefits of, arising from this decision. The following are factors, которые могут помочь вам в принятии решения. Basic accounting course from the Training Center Workshop

Cost of education

Bachelor and master in Denmark and Sweden, as well as a bachelor's degree in Scotland is free of charge - for your training will pay the government. In England and the Netherlands have the opportunity to get a loan on favorable terms for the payment of tuition.

Science-based practice

Abroad are highly valued skills, so the knowledge gained during the lectures are fixed in practice in the preparation of project works.

Active cultural life

activity, sport, entertainment, веселье… В больших городах экономически развитых стран, usually, is very intense cultural life.


Study abroad in individual countries, in universities or in specific areas (economy, right, art), highly appreciated both in Ukraine, and employers from abroad;


Communication in the culture medium (intercultural communication and experience) It has a great advantage - you will have friends all over the world.

The cost of living while studying

opportunity costs (rent, transport, Food) abroad, probably, will be higher, but hourly wages more, than in Ukraine

The climate of another country, Environment, ecology

The possibility of life in a different environment (air temperature, warmer (cooler) climate, optimal conditions for personal health, eg, sensitivity to sudden changes, even for a short period) may positively affect the well-being, operability, emotional state and mental health.

Variety of choices

Limited opportunities for studying a specific direction in their own country or a limited number of places in this area, can be circumvented, selecting study abroad, where there are many different areas of study, which can be studied in many countries, in many modern universities.

Constantly updated training program

Foreign colleges are trying to impart knowledge, which include the latest trends. In this way, они пытаются обеспечить ваше будущее, that you earned degree was useful in today's job market.

The quality of education

Studying abroad allows you to take a critical look at their studies in their home country, in terms of foreign, compare, assess the possibility of, Advantages and disadvantages, consider alternative activities and work.

Foreign language

Opportunity to improve the skills of a foreign language, learning other languages, диалектов. А есть ли лучший способ выучить иностраный язык, than using it from morning to evening, in college, and in everyday life?


Knowledge of a foreign country, culture, people knowing, the possibility of trouble-free visit to the neighboring countries can affect your decision regarding the choice of place of study. Abroad, you'll learn with people from all over the world. Working and studying in a team with other cultures get to know their way of thinking, ценностями и традициями – в современном мире это знание сделает вас более привлекательным на рынке труда.

Experience, related to life overseas

While studying abroad, you will become much faster independent person. Daily challenges will need to decide for himself, socks from the washing and cooking, to finding work. This is a great school of life, experience, who do not get being next to the house.

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