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Holidays in March 2023 of the year: what to expect this month?

Holidays in March 2023

March 2023 promises to be rich in various events and holidays. The month is of great importance for many nations and is known for its traditions.. This time, when winter ends, and spring meets us with its rays and new beginnings. Holidays in March 2023 add color and variety to everyday life, let's get a look, what's in store for us this month.

8 March - International Women's Day

This day is a holiday of women and has a special meaning in many countries.. In Ukraine, it is traditionally celebrated with gifts, flowers and words of gratitude. Many restaurants and cafes offer special menus in honor of this day., as well as organize music and entertainment programs. International Women's Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women, as well as the memory of their struggle for equality of rights.

21 March - Day of spring and equinox

The holiday is celebrated along with the onset of spring and the long-awaited return of the sun.. Various festivals take place on this day., concerts and outdoor picnics. It is also traditional to hold a party with fire inflammation, which symbolizes cleansing from winter hardships and the onset of a new life.

27 March - Easter

Easter is the greatest religious holiday of Christianity and the holiday of spring, symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ and means the beginning of a new life. Pysanky are traditionally made in Ukraine on this day, prepare easter, go to church and exchange holiday greetings.

What other days should be noted in the calendar?

Apart from traditional holidays, There are still a few significant days in March, worth noting. Here are some examples:

These days are important for many people, and they can be marked in various ways. For example, on Meteorology Day, you can visit the meteorological station or take part in events, on climate change. On International Women's Day, give flowers or other gifts to your mothers, daughters, wives, colleagues, etc.. On Taras Shevchenko's birthday, you can read the poet's poems or visit the museum, dedicated to his work.

In addition to these traditional holidays, in March we can expect a variety of sports, cultural and entertainment events. for example, the concert season can offer performances by your favorite artists, and theaters - new productions and performances. Besides, many cities organize holiday fairs and festivals, where you can taste dishes from national cuisine, buy embroidered shirts and other handicrafts.

In late March, when spring really is already progressing, many cities organize actions for landscaping and garbage collection. This becomes a good opportunity to get together with friends and acquaintances, help clean your city and spend time outdoors.

so, March 2023 promises to be full of events and holidays. This month makes it possible to enjoy the first warm days of spring., celebrate important days and meet family and friends. Prepare for the Holidays in Advance, to enjoy each of them as much as possible and create a festive atmosphere for yourself and your loved ones. all, who is interested in the history and culture of Ukraine, as well as the, who wants to learn more about different holidays and traditions, which are all over the world, we recommend visiting the site - a calendar of events and holidays, dedicated to various dates, which are important for Ukrainian culture and traditions.

The main section of the site is a calendar of holidays. In this section you can find information about all holidays, celebrated in Ukraine and other countries of the world. On the pages of the holidays you can find out their origin, celebration traditions, symbols and customs, associated with these holidays. In addition to the holiday calendar, the site contains information about the birthdays and deaths of famous Ukrainians, as well as historical events, that happened on different days of the year.

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