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There were news about the technical data of the new smartphones LG K Series

At MWC exhibition 2018 producer provided information about the new smartphone LG K8 2018 и LG K10 2018. Мы узнали их технические характеристики, that I decided to share this article.

We expect that smartphones K Series, LG will introduce in the first days, but wrong. The manufacturer said that he would submit them in one of the following days, but pleased us by giving their characteristics.

LG K8 2018 It must be equipped with a display diagonal 5 inches and HD resolution, as well as quad-core processor 1,3 GHz, 2 GB and 16 GB internal memory. Besides, It will be equipped with cameras resolution 8 and 5 Mn and the accumulator volume 2500 match.

Specifications LG K8 2018:

В свою очередь больший собрат – LG K10 2018 – будет иметь 5,3-дюймовый дисплей с таким же разрешением и восьмиядерный процессор с тактовой частотой 1,5 GHz. В зависимости от версии смартфон будет иметь либо 2 or 3 GB RAM, and correspondingly 16 GB or 32 GB internal memory. Смартфон будет иметь также лучшие камеры, and the battery on 3000 mac and fingerprint scanner.

Specifications LG K10 2018:

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