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girls help buying b / a Car

When purchasing a used car, not every man is able to determine its technical condition, legal purity. Sophisticated forms of fraud with the documentation, introduction to mislead the buyer about the technical condition of the car and the banal robbery lead to, thousands of Ukrainians, best case scenario, become illiquid at exorbitant prices, broken, worn avtohlam, and in the worst case, lose money and even life.

Contacting specialized services for the sale of cars does not guarantee you the absence of the "pitfalls" in your chosen car, because their income is proportional to your ignorance of the significant shortcomings of cars, and naive to believe, that you will be informed about them. auto selection, Technical vehicle condition check, legal purity of the transaction, необходимость аргументированного торга с продавцом – любое из этих мероприятий подразумевает квалифицированную помощь специалиста. Компания Мotorscout, узнать о которой можно больше на официальном сайте, It offers you a unique set of services, having no analogues in the market of Ukraine autotechnical counseling, from the stage of the selection of the model of your future car before the purchase.

Working in the secondary market is not the first year, сотрудники Мotorscout накопили достаточный опыт для помощи в самых неординарных ситуациях. When applying for autotechnical advice to the company, You get:

  1. Individual approach and expert assistance at the stage of selecting the make and model of your car of the future, including the organization of a test drive on the same vehicle.
  2. Search desired car for you on the market and the organization of viewing options available with delivery to the inspection of the transport company.
  3. Organization of a complete diagnosis of the car you liked (engine diagnostics, powertrain, Coil, body) and issuing a general opinion on the technical condition of the car with a possible estimate of the additional costs, Recommended use.
  4. Guarantee of legal purity of the car.
  5. Assistance in organizing your safety cash transfer seller.

Компания Мotorscout взаимодействует только с лучшими автотехническими центрами, lawyers and experts, each of which has the necessary expertise in their field, which gives you the guarantee of the reliability of the study and calm behind the wheel of your car. Эксперты компании работают в работают в 11 regions of Ukraine (cm. map below). Pick up the car with mileage Now you can call on t: +380 98 326 8777.

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