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Pokemon GO – поиск покемонов стал труднее

Игроки жаловались на неисправную систему “радара”, and the creators in the accommodation services. problem solved.

GO game Pokemon makes players every day by millions to leave their homes in search of Pokemon. They are based on radar auxiliary, but recently it stopped working as it should, that made the game. Последнее обновление исправило эту ошибку… по крайней мере в каком-то смысле.

So the company decided to Niantic pretty radical way to fix this error. She picked up and completely removed the radar. Shortly speaking: Now there is no radar, and to seek Pokemon need almost blind.

Wait, Wait, there is still a card - say,? The fact that they, too, are no longer. Niantic and Nintendo company wrapped up the case so, that virtually all of the major sites, offering location Pokemon (such as Pokevision) stopped working.

As you might guess, changes do not like players. Some of them even turned to Niantic with a request to return the money, paid under the micropayment system. The company, in most cases positively consider such statements.

meanwhile, one can only hope, Niantic that the next update will surprise us again but this time positively, that is, by entering a valid and effective radar.

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