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Pokemon GO – это уже даже не безумие, it is something more than

Pokemon GO - это уже даже не безумие, это что-то больше

Crowds of people run around the world in pursuit of Pokemon. So global frenzy has reached a higher level.

If you are going for an evening stroll in the city center, you can observe small groups of marching "zombie", who are looking for Pokemon around. Many of them are bracelets of pokemon, so as not to miss a single Pokémon. Well actually it's nothing compared to what happens in other countries such as the US.

Americans got the game Pokemon GO first and "pokemaniya" have grown to enormous size. No longer need any words, you yourself can see this in the next video.

so here 17 июля в Центральном парке Нью-йорка можно было увидеть удивительный пугающий сюжет, - all this because at the site was Vaporeon - one of the rarest Pokémon.

And here is the hunt for Pokemon in China, only to start strongly recommend that you take, and then you will fall exactly with laughter.

This is not even the madness, it is something much more. Therefore we advise you to only one: take care of yourself in the evening, not to accidentally get in the way of zombies, that they are caught everywhere in churches, museums, etc.. Say Medvedev caught one in the office of VV. fishing season.

We have already written about that Go to the Pokemon should play exercising prudence, so once again remind about it. It is not necessary to go over the heads of the faithful of churches and temples in search of entertainment, as it is disrespectful to others, believer and God. You probably know that if you play the Pokémon first in the line of duty, you for that superiors will praise.

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