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Pokemon GO is a real gold mine

Suffice month, to play Pokemon DPP gave really impressive earnings.

Previously, it might seem, that passion for the game Pokemon Go players will take place just as quickly, as it appeared, but it is not nothing going on. Developers can with a smile, looking at the financial results of this game.

Some time ago it became known, Pokemon that Guo has become the most popular mobile game in history. Number of downloads of mobile games, has already exceeded 100 millions. What do you think, What does this have an impact on finances?

Also in this case the GO Pokemon is unparalleled in the market of mobile games. В течение месяца с момента запуска удалось получить доходы, exceeding 200 millions of dollars. The difference with respect to the remaining behind Clash Royale and Candy Crush Soda Saga looks really impressive.

It should be added that these 200 миллионов долларов это заслуга микроплатежей. На графике расположенном выше видно, that most of them have increased their participation Japanese. It should be borne in mind that the game Pokemon Go can still make its debut in other countries with the micropayment service. Consequently the manufacturer for a long time to wait to receive profits from their offspring.

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