IT News

PNY alter the warranty conditions on the graphics card because miners cryptocurrency

The new warranty terms clearly deter fans Mein kruptovalyutu. But on the other hand got a little confused and confusing for customers.

Cryptocurrency popularity has led to many farms began to collect on the cards. Company PNY decided to react and changed the terms of warranty on your video card, Told portal

Video cards are used not only to build gaming computers, but most often it is for mining cryptocurrency type Ethereum, Zcash или Currency. Enthusiasts for these purposes midrange products, which are characterized by high energy efficiency and is widely available commercially.

However, it is worth noting, cryptocurrency that mining requires a sustained load on the accelerator, which may lead to its failure. Unfortunately because of this suffering as a result of manufacturers, which have to be repaired free graphics are still under warranty.

Компания PNY в начале ноября пошла на радикальное решение и отказалась от предоставления гарантии на свои графические карты GeForce GTX. Недавно условия гарантии были вновь пересмотрены – на графические карты предоставляется 3-летняя гарантия, but the manufacturer reserves the right to refuse service if they were used for mining cryptocurrency.

Is that clear? Для нас, не до конца. Не известно на каком основании производитель собирается оценивать применение ускорителя и, Consequently, признавать или не признавать права на гарантию. It is not known well, what will happen with cards, used for mining cryptocurrency, that were purchased prior to making changes to the warranty conditions.

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