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Pros and cons of setting HBO. Стоит ли устанавливать “газ” на автомобиль?

Установка ГБО

A liter of gas at two times cheaper than a liter of petrol. Slightly higher consumption of liquefied gas, and burning fuel in the first minutes after the start of the engine, but it is not able to break the favorable balance. The higher mileage, the gas in the car will bring you more savings.

Многие водителя задаются вопросом whether to install HBO? Давайте попробуем разобраться с этим вопросом. Чтобы экономить, We need to invest. Installation for the four-cylinder engine is worth about. 8 000 UAH. Калькуляторы ГБО позволяют точно определить время возврата инвестиций и потенциальную экономии, simply put, It can be assumed, that with an annual mileage of about 20 thousands of kilometers, газовая установка позволяет сэкономить 70000-10000 UAH. How visible, even with low mileage for the year is possible to return the cost of installation and start saving.

An advantage of the liquefied gas is high octane number (100-110). company, которые устанавливают „газ на авто” иногда утверждают, the engine will be more flexible. Unfortunately, dynamics measurements do not show. Чтобы наслаждаться лучшими характеристиками и в полной мере использовать параметры газа необходимо вложить также в чип-тюнинг двигателя.

car owner with HBO should prepare for higher maintenance costs. Механики рекомендуют чаще проводить замену свечей и проводов зажигания.

Many opponents argue HBO installation, that "destroys the gas engines'. How much truth in this? Few. Gas itself is not harmful. factor, which affects the engine, a combustion temperature of the mixture, it above the combustion temperature of the gasoline. При неправильной установке ГБО может ускорить износ головки, valves and valve seats. The most disruptive to the motor is excessive depletion mixture, which leads to further temperature rise in the combustion chamber.

The pace of erosion affect installation options, as well as materials, which make up the engine. For the first 60-200 thousands of kilometers away on the gas, usually, достаточно регулировки зазоров клапанов. Потом необходима регенерация головки. In engines with hydraulic backlash compensation process occurs spontaneously - this type of construction is particularly appreciated gas amateurs. If the engine has a manual adjustment of the valve clearance, обязательно необходим визит к механику.

В автомобилях с газом можно встретить также проблемы с работой двигателя, his accidental extinction, pounding, заметно ухудшение производительности или запах газа в салоне. All of them are the result of incorrect installation or improper conducted Adjustment. Professionally mounted system works seamlessly and does not cause significant reductions in the dynamics.

Особое внимание следует обратить в случае установки газового оборудования в двигателях с турбонаддувом – при динамичной езде форсунки должны подавать очень большие порции газа. The car should fall into the hands of an experienced company, and not in the workshop, which will work by trial and error.

In modern engines, the installation of HBO is getting harder. The main obstacle is the direct fuel injection. There are two solutions. Более продвинутая и дорогая газовая установка, которая предусматривает подачу газа через заводские форсунки бензина. The simplified system, screwed into the manifold additional gas injector. Factory nozzles systematically fed small amounts of gasoline, reducing the temperature. The motor becomes a hybrid, газ и бензин.

It is also worth bearing in mind, Some engines do not tolerate the gas supply. The rule applies to many Asian models, in which the installation of gas equipment leads to serious problems with the valves and the head. Специализированные компании знают, on some engines may be an alternative food and are able to warn the client of the possible problems.

Modern gas equipment does not have a lot to do with the decisions of previous years. Нет необходимости в частых регулировках, performance does not deteriorate, and properly installed and adjusted, It does not cause malfunctions of the engine and its attachments. Who wants to save, you need to invest and accept the loss of the spare wheel. Не каждый хочет принимать изменения, но это не означает, что необходимо отказаться от “газа”. In the secondary market can find various models with factory settings, including Dacie Logan, Sandero in Duster, Fiat Panda and the Volvo S60, S70, V70 engine with Bi-Fuel.

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