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Philips и AOC – лучшее мониторы на 2016 year

Overview of the most interesting proposals for the monitor 2016 год – модели и цены.timthumb (7)

Philips and AOC-brand monitors are two, who proved themselves on the European, так и на украинском рынке. Impact on it has, of course, a wide range of products, for different user groups, including players, людей занимающихся профессиональным редактированием изображения…. We shopped the most interesting models in the range of products on the 2016 year.

Part of the monitors on sale for several months, perhaps even stand on your desk, part appeared recently or just entering the market in spring.

Philips and AOC is not satisfied with only the position of market leader. Alfonso Clemente, product manager, He urged us, that in the range of both brands we will find almost any innovation, which is present in the world of monitors.

And so we have monitors for gamers, Response time 1 ms, refresh rate 144 Hz, technology support G-Sync / Free Sync. Enough also monitors with very high resolution monitors for the people, dealing Photos, video editing, as well as for business monitors.

Review of the Philips and AOC

Начнем с высокого ценового сегмента – 1700 долларов необходимо потратить за Philips 275P4VYKEB (pictured below, in the foreground) with 5K resolution (5120 x 2880 pixels) , diagonal 27 inches. it, but, pretty decent price, Considering, the monitor copes with 99% AdobeRGB color palette, and the entire sRGB palette, widely used in the processing of graphics and photos.

Nevertheless, it is possible and cheaper. The same diagonal, although permission has Full HD, Philips 276E6ADSS, It is the first monitor on the market with quantum dot technology, что позволило получить отличные цветопередачи в устройстве за 400 dollars. The monitor uses IPS-panel-ADS in 5 ms response time. The first copies should be already available in stores.

Philips is also, that a very high resolution, это не только оборудования с большой диагональю дисплея. for example, 241P6VPJKEB monitor (pictured below, second from right) – это, in fact, 23,8"Display with a resolution of UHD. AH-IPS panel handles 99% sRGB palette, monitor price 600 dollars.

В свою очередь модель BDM4350UC, it's true, monitor, but the first, что приходит в голову при виде это мысль – какой маленький телевизор. 43"Display with a resolution of 4K, perfect for combining signals from multiple inputs. In this case, the function helps MultiView, which uses signals 4 inputs simultaneously. How much for such a bauble wishes Philips? Sale will begin in May, buy a monitor will be for 800 dollars.

Players can choose between a resolution and the comfort of the game. The former should pay attention to the new monitor AOC U2879 (pictured below, left) with screen sizes 28 "and a resolution of UHD, Monitor price around 500 dollars. Supporters smooth gameplay recommended model AOC G2460PF (pictured below, case) with a diagonal of 24 "with the support of technology FreeSync, 144 Hz . Its price is 350 dollars

This was not the end. In order not to bother with creating a couple with two monitors for fun games, AOC monitor offers C3583FQ. Diagonal 35 ", with quite a curved screen, we can enjoy a resolution 2560 x 1080 pixels. The monitor has 4 ms response time, and the update is 160 Hz. Supported by Adaptive-sync technology (compatible with FreeSync). Only the price for uncompromising players, которые не бояться больших расходов на компьютер – заплатить за монитор придется до 1000 dollars.

Spectacular appearance, also not alien Philipsowi and AOC. The first has a range 275C5QHGSW monitor based Ambiglow Plus, which changes the color of the backlight in the display scene. monitor the cost 343.

If a, in turn, interested uniquely small thickness of the display- buy AOC I2781FH. AH-IPS panel diagonal of 27 ", FullHD resolution, response time 4 ms and a total thickness 9,9 mm. As well, as well as a model with quantum dot technology, Only debut on the market. По цене около 300 u.e

If we want, to monitor supports DTS sound, should ask 34 inch curved Philipsem BDM3490UC. for 1000 долларов вы можете купить экран с соотношением сторон 21:9 and resolution 3440 x 1440 pixels on AH-IPS panel.

In April 2016 the year will be another AOC monitor with a diagonal of 27 ", intended for professionals Q2775PQU (pictured below left). It is equipped with a resolution of IPS-panel 2560 x 1440 pixels, response time 4 ms. This is not a particularly expensive monitor, цена определена на уровне 500 dollars

Сторонники меньшей диагонали, but those who are interested 100% with a resolution of coverage sRGB palette 2560 x 1440 pixels, It can be purchased for 400 u.e monitor AOC Q2577PWQ (pictured above, case).

A source: Philips, AOC

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