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The first drug of of 3D-printers hit the pharmacy

It is currently available in the US and, Besides, only one type of, but he has a big potential.

One of the important directions, in which 3D-printers have led to a revolution, medicine is. Still considered, but they were mostly experiments. meanwhile, yesterday in US pharmacies became available the first drugs produced by this method.

Manufactured by Aprecia Pharmaceuticals drug called Spritam was approved by the FDA (The. S. Food and Drug Administration) in August last year. А на этой неделе официально стал доступен для потребителей в Сша.

This product is intended for adults and children, suffering from various types of epilepsy. Thanks to the technique of multi-level 3D-printing was possible to create a more powerful drug (with a dose of, reaching 1000 mg per pill), которая одновременно легко проглатывается и быстро растворяется при контакте с жидкостью.

Это лишь первый разрешенный препарат изготовленный при помощи 3D-принтера, but now the company Aprecia, as well as other laboratories, look to the future with optimism. May be, after some time, you can create your own(ie taking into account the individual patient) pills, containing drug in different doses. This could significantly enhance patient comfort.

Of course, an important role play money. At least, while preparations, by this method,, will be a little more expensive. It is hoped, and that over time it will change.

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