AMD XConnect: universal standard for connecting external video card for laptop
XConnect is the first universal standard for connecting external card for laptop. Новое решение может стать популярным на рынке ноутбуков для игр. Remember, как недавно компания AMD раскрыла, you are welcome
graphics card
AMD Radeon Pro Duo – the most efficient card for 1499 dollars
Finally! AMD announced the final version of the video card Radeon Pro Duo (earlier, possibly, Fury X2 connected with the names and Fiji Gemini), which was developed with the idea of ​​creating and displaying materials
HP promises laptops with AMD FreeSync – Initial Envy 15z
Некоторое время назад AMD анонсировала внедрение технологии FreeSync для ноутбуков, but so far it is only available in the Lenovo IdeaPad Y700 model. The situation may change due to HP, которая планирует
graphics card
AMD Radeon 400: An informal specification Polaris cards
Большими шагами приближается выход новых графических карт AMD поколения Polaris, которые могут здорово помешать планам Nvidia. Although the manufacturer has not yet revealed the specifications of the individual models, но в сети
AMD updates offer – new processors and coolers
Although we all look forward to the new generation of AMD processors Zen, But at the same time, manufacturer introduced a range of three new systems based on Steamroller and Excavator old kernels, new cooling system also introduced.
MSI 970A-G43 Plus: black motherboard for AMD FX processors
The range of MSI motherboard appeared 970A-G43 Plus, latest version 970A-G43 model for AMD FX processors. What distinguishes the new product? По-прежнему мы имеем дело с подставкой AM3+ под процессоры
AMD introduced its first ARM chips for servers and data centers
AMD has officially introduced processors Opteron A1100 and the first 64-bit ARM system type. Новое решение представляет собой большой шаг вперед в направлении развертывания систем ARM для серверов
Call of Duty: Black Ops III на APU AMD. Video
All lovers of military series, undoubtedly, We were looking forward to the next part of the Call Of Duty, ie Black Ops 3. Сегодня остановимся на возможности игры в Black Ops III на интегрированной графике. Is it possible?