Galaxy S7 Edge vs iPhone 6S Plus - залитые Колой и замороженные Best deal
waterproof smartphones. Top 3
Modern smartphone is waterproof gadget. Due to the design, through which water is not able to get inside, phone we can use in any environment, anywhere.
Обзор флагманского смартфона Xiaomi Mi5 Video
Overview flagship smartphone Xiaomi Mi5
It's time for the next meeting with a smartphone by Xiaomi, after I tested Mi4c, Redmi 3 и Redmi 3 Pro. Today I would like to share with you impressions from the use of models, which
Рейтинг смартфонов: ТОП 10 март 2016 Gadgets
Rating smartphones: TOP 10 March 2016
What smartphone to buy? В рейтинге ТОП-10 мы рекомендуем лучшие смартфоны и представляем их текущие цены в украинских магазинах. In this ranking, we present 10 best smartphones on the market, together with their prices.
Камера в телефоне Mobile Zone
How to choose a smartphone 2018? Tips
If you plan to buy a new smartphone this year, we have prepared for you tips. You will learn from them how to select the phone 2018 regardless of the price. What to Look For? Какие характеристики являются
Безрамочный Ulefone Mix оснастили продвинутой аудионачинкой Gadgets
Frameless Ulefone Mix equipped with advanced audionachinkoy
Компания Ulefone представила новый смартфон с простым названием — Mix, сообщает портал The main feature of novelty was the 5.5-inch display, virtually devoid of frames on the sides and top.
Стоит ли Самсунгу опасаться выхода в продажу LG G6? Gadgets
Should I be afraid to Samsung Released on sale LG G6?
Customers in South Korea gladly bought LG G6. Samsung is trying to entice them to convince that it is better to wait for the Galaxy S8. Анализ продаж LG G6 и Galaxy S7 Прошлый год в контексте мобильного
Рекомендуемые смарт часы топ 10 Gadgets
Featured Smart Watches Top 10
Smart Watch are not ordinary watches. They complement the smartphone capabilities and serve as the main display notifications directly on the wrist of your hand. Always when it comes to SMS, письмо электронной почты
Game Tuner - приложение для мобильных игроков Mobile Zone
Game Tuner – application for mobile players
Game-Tuner will certainly appeal to those, who plays a lot on your smartphone or tablet. The app allows you to control the quality of the games. If you have available an effective mobile device, on which
Нові технології допоможуть покращити якість мобільних камер Video
New technologies will help improve the quality of mobile cameras
Not long ago, the company Samsung Electronics introduced a new technology BRITECELL, rumors of which go back to this summer. Завдяки цій технології фотосенсоры майбутніх мобільних гаджетів компанії зможуть