Недавно владельцы видеокарт GeForce RTX получили доступ к технологии интеллектуального полноэкранного сглаживания благодаря запуску DLSS для Battlefield V и Metro Exodus вслед за добавлением метода в бенчмарки
NVIDIA's quarterly revenue for the year fell by a third. Net and operating profit for the year fell 2 and 3,5 fold, respectively. Revenue for the full year reached a new record high.
Gossip, surrounding the 60th model GeForce series 20, finally dispelled. It really RTX, and therefore, RT- and tensor kernel from it have not gone away. We'll see, готовы ли новые технологии рендеринга к применению
In times of boom kriptovalyutnogo acute shortage of NVIDIA graphics cards has prompted the company to create a special graphic accelerators for mayniga, eg, NVIDIA P106-100, is a simplified analog of GeForce GTX 1060.
Технологией G-Sync Compatible смогут наслаждаться только обладатели новых видеокарт Nvidia Pascal и Turing. Unfortunately, owners of older models once again deprived. Технология Adaptive Sync это одна из важных
The manufacturer gives the new model a large volume of video memory, но при этом ограничивает ее пропускную способность. Действительно ли это хорошая идея? Речь идет о новой версии GeForce GTX 1050.
Was released another version of the GeForce GTX 1060? Foreign sources indicate such plans, but the information the manufacturer has not confirmed. Несколько месяцев назад на рынке дебютировали карты Nvidia
Tesla V100 is the most powerful accelerator, which will accelerate the development of high performance computing and artificial intelligence. Месяц назад Nvidia представила видеокарту Tesla V100, первый ускоритель
GT graphics card 1030 It should be the weakest representative Pascal series – This model is designed for the lower segment performance. Графические процессоры Nvidia Pascal уже успели охватить
The latest version of GPU-Z program, introduces support for new graphics cards, and fixed some bugs. Website TechPowerUp released a new version of GPU-Z application. К наиболее важным изменениям следует
Titan Xp offers even better performance, than the recently released GeForce GTX model 1080 Ti, and the price is on par with the Titan X. Год назад дебютировала видеокарта Nvidia Titan
The network has interesting tests, which throw new light on the problem Ryzen processor performance in games. Processors AMD Ryzen caused mixed feelings reviewers - on the one hand, offer
The latest version of GPU-Z program, введена поддержка новых видеокарт, and fixed some bugs. Editorial TechPowerUp released a new version of GPU-Z application, в которой внесено несколько важных
This year during the CES, Dell has introduced two new series of laptops XPS - a new XPS 13 2-in-1 we wrote last week,, но стоит также упомянуть о новой более эффективной версии XPS 15.
This happened! Nvidia unveils two of its highest-performing Pascal graphics cards from the consumer segment - speech, of course, models of GeForce GTX 1080 i GTX 1070.