Intel is developing a new control panel for their GPUs, what is reported in the official twitter graphics department "blue" companies. It would seem that, so what?
В сети появились первые утечки о процессоре Intel Core i9-9990XE. Features and tentative price cause great controversy. New Intel Core X processors were presented for a long time, но только недавно
Apple has updated the MacBook Pro line. Stronger processors, better screen and comfortable keyboard users will appreciate. And what's not to like? Most likely the price and the need to use an adapter.
В серии ноутбуков Eurocom Sky C появятся модели оснащенные 8-ядерными процессорами Intel Core i7-9700K и Core i9-9900K под LGA-1151. Within a few weeks we should debut 8-core processors Intel Coffee Lake.
The new models are characterized by a large number of cores, and thus operate at a higher frequency. Interesting, and how it will affect prices? О том что Intel подготавливает к выпуску 8-ядерные процессоры Coffee
Компании MSI и Gigabyte заявили что готовы к выпуску процессоров Intel Core 9000. On this occasion, manufacturers have released new versions of BIOS-s for their motherboards. MSI Компания MSI заявила, what
Mass production of the new processor is expected only at the beginning of next year, but the network is already beginning to emerge leaks about the planned models. see also: В процессорах от Intel обнаружили восемь
Details about the detected threats are not known, but suffered from them in the main hosting providers. Seem to be, that Intel has serious problems associated with the security processor.
The network has an unexpected leakage of the first external graphics card Intel. Information looks promising, but should treat it with a bit of doubt. It has long been rumored, что Intel планирует
In the end 2018 year end path Kaby Lake-X processors. It is worth noting that the results of their sales are not encouraging producer. And no wonder, because up to the end it was not clear for whom they are intended.
The new processor is not characterized by high productivity – It will be mainly used in cheaper laptops and hand held computers. Без особой огласки и шумных анонсов компания
The problem concerns the carriers Intel SSD 600p and SSD Pro 6000p, and Toshiba XG4, XG5 и BG3. Microsoft is already working on correcting the problem. Intel Многие пользователи с нетерпением ждали очередного
After just a month after the release of new chipsets, motherboard manufacturers report availability problems with model H310. How it will affect customers? В начале апреля на рынке дебютировали новые процессоры
Gaming Storage – This expansion card, to which you can connect two fast SSD. Its potential should be seen not only in tests, but also during the semi professional use.
Intel's new patch has been tested on the platforms Skylake, Kaby Lake и Coffee Lake. В очереди ожидают старые платформы. It is not necessary to hide that the beginning of the year, Intel brought a lot of trouble, все из-за