Apex Legends - contender for the throne. Review
  Even we did not know a couple of weeks ago about Apex Legends, and today it is played by millions. The same could surprise the audience a new shooter from the creators of Titanfall 2? So obviously not the Titans, where there is no.
Motoshkola in Kiev reviews Gadgets
Nokia 9 PureView to render the final release
There is no doubt, that Nokia 9 PureView is representative of the flagships. The manufacturer has decided to bet on the design and the main camera with five lenses. Slow, но уверенно мы приближаемся к премьере
MSI finally unveiled videocard Radeon RX 590 graphics card
MSI finally unveiled videocard Radeon RX 590
Model MSI Armor received architectural design. Manufacturer slightly increased core frequency and applied the author's cooling system. Since the release of Radeon RX 590 it's been some time, но не все
graphics card
ASRock has completed work on the graphics card Radeon VII
Премьера видеокарты AMD Radeon VII приближается все большими шагами. В соответствии с заявлением AMD, graphics card will also be available from partner manufacturers – ASRock company, it seems, уже закончила