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Caution: do not fall for the tricks of real estate scams!

How to recognize scams and avoid becoming a victim of real estate buying or renting an apartment? agree, it would be much easier and more pleasant to live, if the world of commerce lived solely on written laws and there would be fraud and deception. And, every day we, We can read some stories in any newspaper information, where honest citizens have been deceived, trying to buy an apartment, car or other valuable property. And, with the growth of the crisis, which is just the real estate and touches most directly, fraud frequent almost on several occasions. We can blame any number of state and the world economic system, but human nature is nothing we can not change. And the only thing, что мы действительно можем сделать сами для себя – научиться распознавать мошенникам и не давать им загнать себя в ловушку.

It looks like a crook.

If you think, что мошенник – это большой громила с маленьким интеллектом или, in front of, suspicious slick with nervous manners, you are deeply mistaken. All these standard images that have little to do with reality, and achieve success, only those crooks, who are able to inspire confidence in the person, which still varies, buy (or rent) apartment, или все же стоит еще подумать – и склонить его к нужному действию. This is neat, in all respects a pleasant and relaxed people (men, and women), that, in addition, well versed in psychology. After all, agree, одно дело – продать некачественные печатки, а сосем другой вопрос – заставить человека купить недвижимость стоимостью не в одну тысячу долларов.

free cheese.

It is important to understand for themselves the fact, it is not worth too much to chase cheapness. If you decide to rent or buy a property, better to overpay a certain sum for the guarantee of reliability, rather than risk all their savings for a small apparent benefits. Fraudsters fine play on the greed: они предлагают “уникальные” и “исключительно выгодные” условия так, будто вы – их лучший друг, best man and brother. you say, that you get your property is literally in the very near future and draw in front of you bright prospects, warming up your interest as if the minimal risks (eg, if you offer to buy an apartment not through proven and reliable agency, and through third parties, though it will be cheaper).

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