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Features and characteristics of panoramic doors

Gates with sashes are increasingly common, in which transparent materials are used to a greater or lesser extent. Such gates are usually called glazed., although it would be more correct to call them panoramic, ведь прозрачный материал – это не только натуральное стекло, but also plastic.panoramic gate

Is it worth buying a panoramic gate

Panoramic gate – элегантная алюминиевая конструкция с максимальным остеклением, you can buy them at the company Intrast. They are ideal for hi-tech buildings, car dealerships, магазинов…. They have all the essential qualities of a modern sectional door.:

They also provide good warmth- and sound.

Glazing of panoramic doors

For the manufacture of panoramic gates use:

Панорамные ворота – достоинства и недостатки

The undoubted advantage of panoramic gates is the light transmission capacity.. Into the premises, in which they are installed, исключается необходимость искусственного освещения в течение дня. This reduces energy consumption and can significantly reduce operating costs..

The advantages of glazed gates include their modern appearance., and large transparent surfaces give these structures lightness and special originality. This is important in relation to garage doors in cottage houses., where they will stand out impressively when everywhere in the garage space.

There are original solutions, в которых ворота гаража и входная дверь имеют аналогичный узор остекления. Besides, они оптически увеличивают внутреннее пространство комнаты и позволяют пользователю правильно ориентироваться в пространстве за дверью. Перед открытием застекленных ворот водитель транспортного средства имеет возможность увидеть любые препятствия для движения транспорта внутри помещения.

Первый недостаток – возможные потери тепла из-за пониженной теплоизоляции остекления. Поэтому следует использовать прозрачные элементы из стекла и пластика с соответствующими коэффициентами теплопроводности.

Transparent materials are much more prone to contamination, than opaque materials. Therefore, such gates have to be washed and cleaned quite often., which is also a disadvantage. The disadvantage is also the higher cost of their production., than finished metal products, therefore the final prices are higher.

Council! When buying panoramic doors, first of all consider the quality of glass, because heat ultimately depends on him- and sound insulation of the entire structure.


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