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Online payments - advantages and disadvantages of online transactions

The Internet is an integral part of the lives of many people, Companies and institutions. It can help you not only to quickly communicate, have easy access to information, but also to simplify the action, formerly associated with certain inconveniences, eg, now no longer need to stand in line to pay for communal, this can be done without leaving your home quickly and easily thanks to a payment card from

Internet payments aimed at, to make our lives easier

One example of simplifying life through the Internet are online money transfer. New solutions for online payments sector are created as demand for new e-commerce, and by existing. The choice of online payment methods is very high, and the methods of committing the transaction is already widely distributed and used by many.

The most common forms of online payment:

Online translation – порядок передачи распространяется на безналичные финансовые расчеты. Certain person gives instructions to transfer a certain amount of personal account to another bank account. Бухгалтерский учет в банке очень быстрый – обычно это занимает не более 24 hours.

Online translations fast, effective, cheap and safe. Not surprising, that more and more people choose these payment methods. To use them, everything, what you need, this is the Internet and the bank account on the Internet.

note! Комиссии за перевод зависят от конкретного банка – однако это либо символические расходы.

More and more banks are allowed free access to online translation. When discussing Internet transfers worth noting, что у них есть определенный лимит – для приема переводов в других валютах необходимо иметь валютный счет. foreign translations, Unfortunately, characterized by relatively high costs and a longer execution time.

Payments using payment cards allow you to have online access to money, stored in the bank account. Until recently, the payment card allowed in the first place to take cash from an ATM or make payments in shops. At present, payments made by credit card are also possible in the network. To do this, you must provide certain data card in a special form.

Map authenticated, debited from the account of the selected amount, and the beneficiary. dealings, committed thus, very fast, but they are often associated with an additional fee as determined by the Commission. The safety of this form of payment on the Internet is controlled by settlement centers, that authorize transactions. However, существуют также некоторые риски – каждый пользователь должен учитывать, the card can be stolen.

SMS-payments – перевод средств предполагает отправку SMS-сообщения на определенный номер. Via SMS user receives a specific code, to be entered in the specified location. After these operations, you can (eg) access to the purchased services. Доступ к этой услуге автоматизирован и очень быстр – покупка услуги обычно моментальная. However, with this form of payment is charged relatively high commission.

Payments using Internet-purses – использование этой формы оплаты в Интернете обусловлено определенными действиями – вы должны зарегистрироваться в определенной системе, create a virtual wallet and fund your account in the electronic purse (eg, Bank transaction). При такой сделке продавец получает деньги очень быстро – почти автоматически после их отправки.

In Ukraine, it is not a popular form of payment, mainly because, that many stores do not even have a form of payment, there is no national system of electronic money. An additional advantage of the payment through the online wallets is, they allow you to send money in different currencies.

Cash Online – вопреки внешнему виду, Cash can be paid online. An example of such transactions is, eg, translation in a fixed office a certain bank or a payment at a post office using a particular form.

The Benefits of Online Translation

Number of people, interested in electronic shopping, constantly growing. Эта форма транзакции приобретает новых сторонников – часто даже тех, who are skeptical about network security and quality of products, available in online stores. payments, via the Internet, It makes it very easy to shop online, and offered accounts of banks on the Internet is very convenient and popular due to its low maintenance costs.

The buyer has the opportunity to choose the most convenient payment method, because sellers typically provide several options for this operation. Online payments are not only fast, but also comfortable. We do not need to leave the house, the seller promptly got us to pay for goods or services. Мы также можем быть спокойны за безопасность наших средств – используя известные платежные системы, we definitely minimize the risk of transfer of funds fraudster. Besides, online payments are constantly being developed and improved.

Disadvantages of online payments

There are some restrictions for online translation. Mainly:


Despite some limitations, associated with online payments, benefits definitely dominate, and this form of calculation of systematically gaining new followers. This is the result of such benefits payments, as:

It is not surprising that electronic payments are used online shopping, social networks, auction portals, Internet portals, online companies and owners of certain websites. Advantages of online payments are obvious for both sellers, and buyers.

On the payment market in Ukraine is dominated by: Privat 24, payment, PayPal, WebMoney (despite the blocking by the Ukrainian authorities, the system is still used by a huge number of people)

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