Disposable electronic cigarettes: what is it and why are they needed?

E-Sigs – this device, which convert liquid with or without nicotine into vapor, which can be inhaled. They are intended for those, who wants to quit smoking or reduce the harm from tobacco. One time – this is a type of electronic cigarette, which do not need to be charged or refueled. They work until then, until the liquid or battery runs out, and then you can throw them away. Disposable electronic cigarettes

Benefits of disposable e-cigarettes

Cigarette one-time use has a number of advantages over conventional or rechargeable electronic cigarettes:

  • easy to use: no need to carry a charger with you, liquid or cartridges. Ready to eat immediately after purchase;
  • cheaper: one disposable electronic cigarette in the Elfb online store costs approximately three hundred hryvnia, while a rechargeable e-cigarette can cost twice as much, plus costs for liquid and cartridges;
  • security: no need to worry about that, that the battery will overheat or explode. They also do not contain tar and other harmful substances., which are in tobacco smoke;
  • variety: you can choose a disposable electronic cigarette with different flavors and nicotine strength. There are also disposables without nicotine for those, who wants to break the habit of addiction.

Disadvantages of disposable e-cigarettes

However, disposable e-cigarettes also have their drawbacks.:

  • run out quickly: one disposable e-cigarette can last from several hours to several days, depending on frequency and intensity of use. After that you need to throw it away and buy a new one.;
  • environmentally unfavorable: disposable e-cigarettes create large amounts of waste, which can pollute the environment. They also contain chemical components, which may be toxic to animals and plants;
  • not regulated: in Ukraine and many other countries there are no clear rules and standards for the production and sale of disposable electronic cigarettes. It means, that the quality and safety of these products may be questionable. Also unknown, how they affect the long-term health of smokers and those around them.

What types of disposable electronic cigarettes are there??

There are many different types of disposable e-cigarettes on the market., which differ in shape, size, taste, strength and design. Here are some of them:

  1. Similar to cigarettes: These disposable e-cigarettes mimic the look and feel of regular cigarettes. They are usually white or brown in color, have an LED at the end, which lights up when you puff, and have a tobacco or menthol flavor. Suitable for those, who wants to switch to electronic cigarettes without major changes.
  2. Joints: These disposable e-cigarettes are thin and long in shape, rod-like. They come in different colors and flavors, such as fruit, sweet, drinks or desserts. Suitable for those, who wants to try a variety of flavors and enjoy light vaping.
  3. Pods: these disposable e-cigarettes are rectangular or oval shaped, similar to a flash drive or lipstick. They come in different colors and flavors, and also have a high nicotine strength (from 20 to 50 mg/ml). Suitable for those, who wants to get a strong throat hit and satisfy their nicotine addiction.


Disposable electronic cigarettes – it is an alternative to traditional cigarettes, which has its pros and cons. They can help those, who wants to quit smoking or reduce the harm from tobacco, but can also be expensive, unsafe and environmentally harmful. Before, how to start using disposable e-cigarettes, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and also consult your doctor.

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