IT News

Points HoloLens from Microsoft released for developers

Currently, the most long-awaited device from Microsoft HoloLens, It will finally be released.

This year, during the conference Build Microsoft has been focused, first of all, software solutions. But not without a mention of augmented reality glasses HoloLens. In fact, "a reference to" this can not be called, because 30 марта гигант презентовал уже первые экземпляры устройства в версии для разработчиков.

Orders for "DevKit" taken recently. they, who decided to buy a device for 3 thousands of dollars, They may have to wait for a courier. В то же время покупатели получат общий публично доступный исходный код программы Galaxy Explorers, due to which they learn, how to write applications for these points.

The fact that there are buyers in the box

HoloLens it points to a huge potential. Perhaps in the future (probably, far enough) change the way, которым люди будут покупать автомобили и другие товары, work, play, and even maintain contact with each other. Применений для них будут много… и теперь наконец пришло время для их развития.

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