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Audi A3 Review 1996-2003 of the year

Audi Treshka, first seen in 1996 year, It built on the same base, and that the fourth generation VW Golf. Отличие A3 от Golf – в иных характеристиках подвески и качестве отделки салона. Many are sold in our secondary market Audi A3 have a 3-door body. This is primarily due to the, that for a long time, another option simply does not exist. And only in the spring 1999 year saw the light of a more practical five-door version. It is also worth noting, that the Audi A3 at the end 1999 года подверглась рестайлингу. Audi A3 Review  1996-2003 of the year

In the secondary market the golf class from Audi is worth much more expensive classmates VW brands, Opel и Ford. Although the consumer qualities cars (let's talk straight) not differ. Among trumps A3 prestige four rings and a rich set of options, who find not every business sedan. Stuffed specimens can flaunt the bi-xenon headlights, 6-stepwise heated seats, navigation system, Bose acoustics, салоном из алькантары… Но в обслуживании Opel и Ford обходятся значительно дешевле. And the figure for the used car buyer is one of the main.

Body and Suspension

Body Audi is not afraid of corrosion. But it does not mean, что наш климат не доставит владельцу проблем. Usually, a few of our winters are beginning to seize up "wipers" (that did not happen, must be periodically lubricated wiper arm axis). Besides, as a result of temperature changes in winter freeze to the glass door rubber seals. If the driver will operate in Russian crude, can break down the plastic guides electric windows.

Suspension front-A3 fairly reliable, Yes and its maintenance is too expensive (by the standards of this brand, of course). Through 70-80 thousand. km asked for the replacement of steering tips and traction, stabilizers, bearing upper supports of racks and ball bearings. But the Audi A3 quattro have a special rear independent suspension, which is more expensive conventional repair.

Engines and transmissions

Cамый скромный в бензиновой гамме двигателей – 1,6-литровый мотор (101 hp, and later 102 hp). Optimum in our opinion can be called aspirated 1.8-liter engine 125 HP. However, некоторым покупателям обязательно нужен был “горячий хэтчбек”. Such modification with a chosen volume of engines 1,8 liter turbocharged, who betrayed 150 HP. or 180 HP. Finally, “гонщики” смотрели лишь на S3 – модификацию с мотором объемом 1,8 liter turbocharged, who first gave 209 hp, а затем – 225 hp!

Audi S3 equipped only all-wheel drive transmission and a 6-speed manual transmission. but, покупать такую машину на вторичном рынке мы не советуем – ресурс высокофорсированного двигателя не превышает 150 thousand. km. Therefore, the most likely, former owner sells the car, not wanting to spend a decent amount on the engine overhaul. there is, of course, still and diesel versions, but they are in our country are not very popular, так как такие моторы плохо переваривают наше топливо.

so, how they behave petrol engines? It is considered to be the most reliable engine of 1,6 liter - the careful driver he is able to run around for a long time. Suffice it time to change the oil and the timing belt (according to the rules - every 120 thousand. km). The more powerful 1.8-liter engines are also very reliable, their repair is more expensive 1.6-liter. However, if we are talking about 150- or 180 horsepower embodiment be aware: has to 150-200 thousand. km turbines usually fails. Replacement or repair will cost $700-2000. So if your budget is limited, do not mess with turboversii.

Transmissions - and mechanics, and "machine" - a fairly reliable. To disable them, you need a good try. It is not provided in the automatic transmission oil change VAG technical regulations, but some experts recommend covering fresh through 60 thousand. km.

Some are equipped with Audi A3 quattro all-wheel drive transmission. A3-wheel drive is not permanent, and is connected via the Haldex coupling, oil in the clutch changes every 60 thousand. km.


from $8.000

Summary of experts

A modest hatchback, albeit from Audi, unlikely to add you weight in the eyes of others. This is not the A8! But as the cost when buying, and to maintain significantly more expensive classmates from Opel, Ford or related VW Golf.

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