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More 70% смартфонов на Android потенциально могут быть заражены Gooligan

circle devices, subject to attack by Gooligan really big.

Google Android is not, of popular opinion, especially protected system. It's hard to be surprised, since appearing regularly information on the various types of threats. Some of them are really dangerous, such as for example Gooligan.

Check Point Software Technologies сообщает, что эта вредоносная программа заразила (It spreads under the guise of applications, the names of which offer mostly games with erotic content) more than one million units, Google platform running. Gooligan allows attackers to gain access to e-mail addresses and token authentication, consequently many data. Это же не является их главной целью. With Gooligan installed on the victim device without permission from the user application Google Play. All this is done in order, to cheat him score and put overestimated.

The figures look really scary. From the very beginning of its existence, (August 2016) Gooligan infected about 13 000 units per day. so far mainly in Asia (57% attacks), but more and more cases are appearing in Europe(9%).

What Gooligan device can infect? It is mainly focused on Android 4 (Jelly Bean, KitKat) and 5 (Lollipop). It is not a mystery, it is a huge field for fraudsters activities, these version control systems work around 70% smartphones Android.

Check Point Software Technologies has prepared page, where you can check the status of your device. A well-known and effective way of getting rid of the full system reset is Gooligan. Check Point Software Technologies is working with Google. By the way, именно поэтому зараженным пользователям отменена возможность голосования для учетных записей Google и представлена соответствующая инструкция по технике безопасности.

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