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Updates to the game Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans is an entertaining strategy game. Your goal is to build a village, train troops and battle with thousands of other players online. You have to command the armies of the barbarians, mages, dragons and other types of soldiers, to ward off the hostile hordes of goblins and show other clans, who is in charge!

On the game Clash of Clans

In Clash of Clans for Android you can play casually, entered once a day or curtail fighting erupted online so often, as you wish. The game is very harmonious and provides a good mood, will not miss experienced and novice players.



To grow you need to buy virtual currency faster, however, you can also download for this hacked Clash of Clans

Last updated Clash of Clans

Last updated Clash of Clans, one of the most popular games on iOS and Android brings many interesting news . Герои – Король Варваров и Королева Лучниц получили новые навыки, added 6 minions level, We introduced a new title for clan members.

New abilities Heroes

The biggest innovation in the game Clash of Clans, which brings the latest update, new abilities Heroes. King of the Barbarians (Barbarian King) может во время битвы использовать “Железный Кулак” – он и окружающие его Варвары в течение короткого периода времени двигаются быстрее и наносят больше урона. This ability is not used with Schick Fury (Rage Spell).

Queen Archers (Archer Queen) может использовать “Королевскую Мантию” и скрыть себя и лучниц в течение короткого периода времени перед защитой целевой базы. Both of these abilities are activated automatically, Field paint, if Heroes will be surrounded by the relevant units.

А теперь ложка дегтя в бочке меда – эти способности работают только после 5-го уровня Героев.

What else do we have in this update Clash of Clans?

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