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update to Android 6.0 Zephyr is available for Honor 7 in Europe

Owners had to show a lot of patience, smartphone Honor 7 still got a long-awaited upgrade to the latest operating system.

Operating system updates occur far less frequently, as we would like smartphone owners. В особенности это касается обновления Android – операционной системы от компании Google. But the owners of Honor models 7 now we have a reason for joy.

The manufacturer has officially announced, that the deployment process has begun upgrading to Android 6.0 zephyr in the European market. relatively Asia, we can talk about a significant delay, but at the moment it is just as important.

Update mode is distributed through over-the-air (OTA) и будет распространяться постепенно. Each owner will appear on the update download capabilities at different times, This will ensure a uniform load on the server, and smooth download.

Вы пользователь модели Honor 7 и уже получили новую версию системы? If yes, then share your impressions in the comments.

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