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Providing parking markings and technologies antiparkovochnymi

Marking of parking in St. Petersburg – частый запрос компаниям, provide this service. Actual order is marking symbols of the cold plastics. Для этого есть веская причина – долговечность этого материала практически в два раза больше различных термопластиков, и в четыре – краски. line thickness when properly applying the same.

Besides, This technique allows you to perform the update, ремонтировать стёршиеся участки. Disadvantages associated more with the very principle of operation. Two-component chemical formula requires a very fast responsiveness. all material, harvested in advance, for the period required to use up "viability" of the mixture.

The composition is effective in the region of fifteen minutes, therefore, this method requires a lot of training of workers. If covered with a large amount of space, actions should be carried out in an almost immediate mode.

The result depends on the temperature and composition, the concentration of the curing agent. In fact, this is the most expensive marker analogue, and its gain for small areas, requiring perfect graphics and quality.

Often in these cases apply the colored and blank, paints, thermoplastics and cold bicomponent melt. colorful baby, light-reflecting pigments, glowing shades are relevant in many cases, special projects, for car parks and exhibition centers within.

It is often used on pedestrian crossings, зонах торможения, stops. Besides, It is a popular method for safety elements on the streets. roads, overpasses, bridges, stations, aprons, recreation area, велосипедные дорожки – тут и там можно увидеть разноцветные знаки на поверхностях.

Not only parking, many urban areas require this option. Blue, yellow, green color, иногда оранжевый – частные символы не требуют унификации и стандарта, but for many of them has its own rules, Required reading. They must know every driver, and ordinary residents of the settlement, too.

To improve comfort the parking area or parking possible installation of concrete benches and vases, other concrete equipment. It, Besides, can play a specific role antiparkovochnoy technology. Flower girls complete and decorate the space, shops are convenient for customers and employees, a smooth asphalt surface ideally placed for marking work.

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