About the site

About the site

IT News 2015Interteam.com.ua is a thematic site where articles and news of high technologies are published. Was originally created for people, fond of computer hardware components and performance testing.

Today, the portal offers its readers the most interesting news from the IT industry with almost every area, tests and equipment reviews, comparison, performance ratings, Buyers' Guide, best products, as well as a platform to address the challenges.

The main thematic categories:


At http://interteam.com.ua you will find, first of all:

  • news – every day with the latest news from Ukraine and the world IT market.
  • Attractive competitions with prizes.
  • Tests and reviews – reviews of the latest products, appearing on the market, comparative tests, short glances at interesting products, feature articles and discussions, a guide for beginners, technical articles.
  • TOP 10 – the most interesting products from each category. The information is especially useful for anyone who is planning to purchase. We write about, what features of note, and why they are important.
  • ratings – collection of the results of performance of the PC and its components, coupled with an extensive database of components. A place, service where users can post their equipment tests, and compare the results.

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