BMW хочет сделать MINI еще более… мини. The car should be on the 40 cm shorter than the current version, It will be released in China, and in addition receive an electric drive.
The BMW Group intends its smallest model to produce and sell on the market with the highest growth in sales in the world - in China. To increase the attractiveness of your car, the manufacturer is not only going to bet on design, but also the electric motor. According to the latest leaks, китайским партнером BMW станет компания Great Wall.
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MINI will be even less
The new version of the MINI will receive a body length 3,4 m (on 40 see less than the previous version). Batteries and electric motors will be supplied by local (Chinese) поставщиками. В Китае новая модель будет продаваться как под маркой MINI, and the Great Wall, while in Europe and North America only under the brand MINI.
Under the hood of the car quite a lot of space, This allows you to set here both electric and petrol engines. In the case of the latter it is a 3-unit tsilinrovom. reported, that buyers can choose between a hybrid and all-electric version. Новая модель полностью соответствует Пекинским экологическим требованиям NEV (new energy vehicle). According to the latest Chinese regulations, You can only sell hybrid and fully electric cars.
AT 2022 году BMW планирует комплектовать свой MINI литий-ионными аккумуляторами 4-ого поколения емкостью 38 or 76 kw, and it follows, that the driving range on a single charge will be correspondingly 150 and 300 km. The manufacturer has provided two electric motor power 163 and 272 HP.
reported, что компания Great Wallow под своим брендом будет производить MINI не худшего качества чем имеет оригинал. Both versions of the Chinese market will be reliable and at the same time be cheap.
Новый MINI – мнение редакции ИнтерТеам
Each new generation of MINI, usually, more than the previous. Сейчас же BMW решила пойти против этой тенденции. Новая модель должна быть значительно меньше предыдущих версий. Novelty and will be an electric drive, which is provided to meet the Chinese environmental standards.