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The new version of the Nissan Leaf won 5 stars in a complex crash test

The new version of electric Nissan Leaf is a very safe. Это доказали краш-тесты проведенные европейской организацией Euro NCAP, in which she received the highest score in 5 stars. Впервые тест был проведен по новым правилам.

AT 2018 year several new Euro NCAP tests, taking into account the main scenarios of accidents involving motor vehicles, pedestrians, as well as the growing number of cyclists.

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Occupant safety

The Euro NCAP test the new Nissan Leaf for the safety assessment of the adults got in 93 percent. При переднем столкновении с частичным деформирующим барьером как водитель, and passenger, are not exposed to injury. In turn, when the front collision car Full deforming barrier, driver injured pelvic.

In a side collision as not to threaten the occupants Leaf, but when hitting the back of the vehicle, опасности подвергается шейный отдел позвоночника пассажира на заднем сиденье. Уровень защиты детей во время столкновений был оценен в 86 percent.

Safety of cyclists and pedestrians

The safety of pedestrians and cyclists (at night, and day) It is highly appreciated. This is made possible thanks to a well prepared system of detection and inhibition. Through the use of cameras and sensors, the likelihood of injury to pedestrians and cyclists reduced by 71%.


Taking into account the new realities, изменения в правилах проведения краш-тестов компанией Euro NCAP являются логичными. Pleases also, что Nissan Laef получил в них наивысшую оценку, because it is the most popular electric car in Ukraine.

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