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Nokia introduces 5G network: powerful transfer, virtual reality and autonomous vehicles

Nokia introduced the possibility of application architecture 5G. This is not only a quick preview of the multimedia screen tablets and smartphones. Новая технология предназначена для развитие интернета вещей, autonomous machines, virtual reality and production.

Internet of things - Connection to the world concept (digital cloud and device)

5G от Nokia

Nokia has introduced the possibility of using 5G technology. Attention! they, who remember, how much joy many years ago caused web pages can view in the WAP-a magic seemed transmission of MMS-messages, you'll feel older!

До недавнего времени технология 5G была довольно абстрактным определением. After the presentations Bell Labs already know exactly, каким образом будет использоваться эта система связи. We already know for sure, that the new solution will offer huge amounts of bandwidth, but, Consequently, practically zero transmission delay.

Nokia has proposed a fairly broad application: entertainment, safe transport, даже должна сделать чище окружающую среду. What proposals has the Finnish company? В чем преимущества 5G?

Autonomous cars 5G

autonomous cars-it is a matter of time. Another and, possibly, the last step for their entry in the streets is to introduce architecture 5G. This enables you to lower latency data transmission and seamless communication. It's enough, to keep in touch with the fast-moving car and its passengers, and as a result reduce the risk on the road and traffic jams.

5G network of industrial robots for maintenance

Same benefits, which are used in automobiles, fit in factories. Shortly speaking, благодаря интернету 5G заводом можно будет управлять удаленно. This decision completely replace distributed systems in use today, industrial.

5G systems for stadia

Synchronized multicasting on many smartphones do so, users will be able to watch the matches broadcast from multiple cameras, and share content on the network. Конечно – без задержек.

Interactive virtual reality 5G

Devices for virtual reality will require high bandwidth. 5G network will ensure that delays at the level of not more than 1 millisecond. According to Nokia, This enables you to make video calls as properly, as if the work takes place in the same room. states, in particular, on the remote collaboration and telepresence systems, as well as the means of distance learning.

Powerful transfer 5G

5G connection speed record now is 30 Gb / with. It was made possible by the aggregation of different technologies for mobile devices and desktop computers within the same system streaming.

Mass communications 5G-this is a new era of Internet of Things

Nokia and Bell Labs believe, The new mobile network, using a new method of forming wave (waveform) It will bring together a record number of devices. This will be a new era of the internet and mass automation.

Extreme Automation 5G

Nokia will present projects, demonstrating the concept of "Extreme Automation" (“extreme automation”), based on 5G technology. The concept includes methods to facilitate ways to use the wide range of new advanced applications, using 5G technology.

Nokia is working with the leading universities in China, Europe and the US, developing its capabilities in the field of 5G technologies and sharing knowledge with partners. The company is also implementing a number of projects, 5G related systems in Europe. A company representative enters the 5G-PPP Association Council. Nokia 5G involved in projects with the world's largest operators, Takima how China Mobile, German Telekom, NTT DOCOMO, Korea Telecom, SK Telecom и Verizon Wireless.

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